Top 35 Funniest SEO Memes on the Internet

SEO can be a serious business. 


From addressing technical issues to tackling the effects of “black hat” SEO, there are fires SEO pros have to put out every day to keep clients happy and their websites ranking high.


That’s where SEO memes can offer a bit of comedic relief – and a reminder to not take our work TOO seriously. In fact, some of the best SEO memes are created by SEOs themselves, inspired by the real work we do every day. 


Here are some of the best, laugh-worthy SEO memes on the internet – direct from the SEO pros.


1. It’s Not Rocket Science


SEO meme: Trying to explain SEO to friends and family

Source: @dig_mark_memes


Is it just me or is “I make stuff rank on Google” the only explanation of SEO that resonates with anybody outside of the SEO world?


2. The Grass is Greener Where You Water It


SEO meme: "N00B SEO"

Source: @ahmed_SEO_


Shiny object syndrome is real… and the desire to jump all over the place with your SEO strategy is strong. However, there’s value in focusing on quality and consistency. 


3. The SEO Waiting Game


"1 hour here is 6 months on earth" SEO meme

Source Unknown


Have you ever had a client that complained because a web page didn’t appear in the SERPs five minutes after publishing it? Same.


4. Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop


Nintendo SEO meme

Source: Chris Castillo from Propel Digital Media Service


Sometimes we break the rules. But it’s all in good fun. Right?


5. Those Damn Google Updates


Source: Myriam from PRAGM


Just when you think your website SEO is in check, Google rolls out another update. WHY?!


6. What About the Non-Male SEOs?


"Some SEO conference organizers be like..." meme

Source: @BillieGeena,


It’s no secret that SEO is a male-dominated industry. And the woman and gender-diverse SEOs have had enough!


7. Uh, Sure…That Was Me


Michael Scott SEO meme

Source: @teamamittiwari


Have you ever magically increased traffic right at the start of the project? Sometimes you just have to smile, nod, and accept the praise.


8. SEO or Bust


Publishing a blog post SEO meme

Source: @_buildd


Of course, blog posts have other value than driving organic traffic. But not optimizing with SEO best practices is leaving money on the table.


9. The Age-Old Debate


"SEMrush" vs "S E M rush" SEO meme

Source: Shared by @m4ttbr00ks (the creator is unknown)


Okay, but which is it? SEMRush or S-E-MRush? 


10. Going, Going, Gone


"Story of a new website" SEO memeScreen Shot 2022 02 09 at 12.19.01 PM

Source: dig_mark_memes


Don’t leave SEO as an afterthought. 


11. Striking SEO Gold


Striking SEO gold meme

Source: @ahmed_SEO_


If this isn’t SEO serendipity, I don’t know what is.


12. Smells Fishy


"I do SEO like this" meme

Source: @LeoPoitevin


There’s no room for scammy SEOs at this table. If you’re going to do the job, do it right. 


13. “Can You SEO This Page?”


Salt bae SEO meme

Source: @RAABstatus


Sure, let me just wave my magic wand.


14. Subfolders > Subdomains


Subfolders vs subdomains SEO meme

Source: Shared by Mark Williams-Cook from Candour and created by Dmitriy Kearo


In this household, subfolders are King, Queen, and everything in between.


15. We Don’t Get Out Much


Leo at a party SEO meme

Source: @TaylorMurchison


You might be an SEO if you told friends, family, or strangers to Google a random keyword so that you could show them that your content ranks #1.


16. Divorce-Worthy?


Divorce SEO meme



Irreconcilable differences? I think so.


17. Hi, I’m an SEO and I Can’t Stop Buying Domains


Expired domains SEO meme

Source: @LeoPoitevin


Admit it. You’ve purchased a domain or two that you most definitely did not need.


18. Unrealistically High Expectations


"That would be great" SEO meme

Source: Doug Bradley from Everest Legal Marketing


We love our clients, but sometimes the expectations are a bit unrealistic.


19. Who Says SEO is Dead?


"SEO is not dead" meme

Source: @dig_mark_memes


People: SEO is dead

Also, People: *heads to Google to answer literally every question they have*


20. Say “No” to Keyword Stuffing


Say "no" to keyword stuffing meme

Source: Mile Živković


Please don’t let keyword density goals destroy your great content.


21. If We Do the SEO


"If we do SEO..." meme

Source: Faizan Fahim


All we want is to own the SERPs, so we have to do the SEO.


22. But Where’s the Budget?


SEO client expectations meme

Source: Shared by Grant Higginson and created by @mikeperkins_


Have you ever had a client wanting #1 position rankings on a #357 position ranking budget?


23. An SEO’s Nightmare


Crawl data meme


Do you ever wonder what the hell your client was thinking before you came into their life?


24. Re-optimizing is the Name of the Game


Gru SEO meme

Source: Jessica Foster


If you’re not regularly investing in existing content, what are you doing?


25. Optimize Your Metadata


Muscular SEO meme

Source: Steven Kang from SEO Signals Lab


This is your friendly reminder to optimize your metadata.


26. How It Started vs. How It’s Going


Spongebob SEO meme

Source: @dig_mark_memes


It’s the Google updates. They’re killing us.


27. Are We the Drama?


"Am I the drama?" SEO meme

Source: @LeoPoitevin


In the words of the legendary Steve Urkel, we wonder, “Did I do that?”


28. Recipe or Novella?


Tina Fey SEO meme


Source Unknown


Yes, it is an SEO play. Yes, it’s annoying. Yes, it currently works. But is the fluff sustainable long-term?


29. Google is a Sellout


Google SEO meme

We love SEO, but Google loves PPC. The favoritism is gross.


30. Sir, Is That True?


"Source?" SEO meme

Source: @LeoPoitevin


You might feel tempted to make up information in your blog posts, but beware. Google is more intelligent than you might think.


31. Originality Over Everything


"Live long enough to become the villain" SEO meme

Source Unknown


Yeah, what he said.


32. You’re Insecure, Don’t Know What For


"You're insecure" http meme

Those who get it, get it. Those who don’t, don’t. (But seriously, make sure your site is secure.)


33. SEMRush, ily.


SEMrush meme

Source: @dig_mark_memes


In the world of SEO, SEMRush is our leader and savior.


34. How Many Signoffs? 


Willy Wonka SEO meme

Source: Tracy Ingram from Intention Technology


Too many cooks in the kitchen? More like “too many layers of management in the decision-making process.”


35. Google > Bing


Fish SEO meme

Source: @LeoPoitevin


Who is keeping Bing in business anyway?

Submit Your SEO Memes!


As an SEO expert, you know the struggle. From Google updates to clients with unrealistic expectations, we’re always on our toes.

What sort of memes do you have stashed away to bring comic relief to your long days in front of your computer? Share your funniest SEO memes in the WriteToRank Facebook Group so I can laugh along with you.

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