How and When to Use Humor in Content Marketing

A lot of brands are afraid of humor… Yet many brands have been wildly successful in their efforts to incorporate humor into their content, while other brands have seen their attempts blow up in their faces. The act of incorporating jokes is not enough in and of itself. Context is important, and so is the […]
“Should I SEO Optimize a Page or Rewrite It?”

Whether you are a well-seasoned pro in SEO, or a newbie just dipping your toes in, it’s likely that your content will need tune-up from time to time. However, as tempting as it can be to just plug in a few keywords and call it good, we know by now that great SEO content goes […]
How to Stop “Brainstorming” and Find Content Ideas that Work
Raise your hand if you’ve ever had writer’s block. *raises hand* I sure have. … Spending minutes or more staring at your keyboard hoping that the creative juices will just start flowing and vomit a masterpiece of content onto your computer screen… (Gross visual, I know.) It’s frustrating. It’s time-consuming. It’s boring. I get it. […]
How to Write Content That ‘Breaks the Internet’
When Kim Kardashian was spotted on the cover of Paper Magazine, the media was in an absolute frenzy. “Kim K breaks the internet!” “#BreaktheInternet on Twitter!” “Kim Kardashian did WHAT?” Fans and haters alike were ALL OVER this story- sharing opinion pieces, memes, gifs, and all kinds of juicy content around this scandalous magazine cover. […]
8 Ways You Are *Probably* Overthinking Your SEO Strategy
SEO. A cute little acronym for what many deem to be a highly technical, cumbersome, and even frustrating task. For non-SEO pros, the idea of optimizing your website may seem daunting – and with so much information out there, it can seem to be a nearly impossible feat. Countless blogs, marketing gurus, and mommy bloggers […]
Is SEO Copywriting Worth the Investment?
SEO Copywriting has got a bad rap. From keyword stuffing to over-optimization, SEO experts and business owners alike are wary of ‘SEO copywriting’ being yet another SEO buzzword – no meat, full of fluff. And they aren’t wrong. ‘SEO copywriting’ brings with it a steady stream of writers that assert that good content is all […]
How to Size Up Your Local Competition & Dominate the SERPs
You’ve just Googled your target keyword and see your competition rocking that #1 spot. The spot YOU want to be at. You’re left scratching your head wondering what they got that you don’t get, thinking it’s time to go back to the drawing board. What’s a savvy business owner to do? Whether are you are […]